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Our vision is to establish a family education center that is a resource for families seeking a Christ-centered, community supported education.
The mission of Legacy Academy is to assist parents in their divinely appointed duty to bring up their children in light and truth by providing an education, atmosphere, and community that:
Cultivates faith in God and in His Son Jesus Christ;
Develops Christlike character and moral self-governance;
Builds academic knowledge and skills to make self-education a lifelong pursuit;
Promotes a love for America and an understanding of principles of liberty; and
Prepares one to be a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ that desires to serve Him with all their heart, might, mind and strength.
All activities, teaching, governance and administration shall be in harmony with the doctrines, principles and teachings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
To schedule a tour or request more information
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